Friday, September 10, 2010

It is hard to believe how long it has been since I've posted. it isn't as if nothing has happened, but nothing has happened as far as the garden. I did plant two Witherod Viburnums and I know I should take pictures, but I haven't. Work for the landscape architect as well as Wildwood has taken my time. Even next week I was hoping for two days to work on my patio but I'm not sure if I'll have them.

So much of life is lived with the idea of some sort of payoff tomorrow. My Dad died instantaneously in a car crash (he was driving) in Arizona. Was he thinking of today or tomorrow?

At least the Phillies were in first when he died. To put this into persective, when the Phillies won the World Series in '80, Tug McGraw's feet had not yet touched the earth again, when the phone rang and it was my Dad saying "They won!"

Which is a part of the only song I ever wrote, a part of which is

"He gave me a quiet place
Where I could always go
Not always seeing eye to eye
Still always sitting side by side,
Listening to a ballgame
on the radio."

It was the Phillies.

I work tomorrow. That is our mantra.