Sunday, February 6, 2011

Nothing but snow outside and water inside...

Read Douglas Tallamy's "Bringing Nature Home" while in Florida and it is well worth reading. He points out in great detail that insects, and hence birds and other small vertebrates (which eat lots of insects) cannot adapt to non-native plants, so, while the plants look attractive, they're dead zones to the native ecosystem. As we remove native plants and add non-natives, we reduce food for our wildlife, resulting in dramatically lower numbers of all kinds of birds.

What I liked was his incremental approach--no one needs to completely change their garden in one year, but consider using native plants the next time you add something to the garden.

Also, don't worry if it is a true native or a cultivar. There is little evidence that improved cultivars are significantly worse for the insects that feed on the plant, and if it is a more-attractive plant for the homeowner, then so much the better.