Sunday, August 29, 2010

here is the patio with the cinder block center for the wall in place. Now all I have to do is add the rock veneer. I added some on the back last night so I could get a feel for how it will work in an area that will actually be buried. It uses a lot of mortar! Well, today is my one day in several weeks when I can work all day so I'm going to read the paper and then get to it!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hey, the weather is perfect today--almost fall-like--so it's great for laying cinder blocks. I'm not fast but am closing in on finishing the main wall (need to mix more mortar so took a lunch break). then I have to do the fire pit. that's just two courses of 8x8x8 cubes so should go pretty quickly. With any luck I'll finish the whole cinder block work today.

Then it's clean up that mess and start putting on the rock to create the outer face of the wall. But not that today.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Okay. The concrete for the fire pit is in--only four bags worth so pretty easy. And all the cinder blocks are up from the driveway. I'm going to take a break and then get to mortaring.
Today is going to be a slow day. So far I've removed some of the stone dust from the fire pit so I can make a small foundation for the fire pit wall (lower than the back wall) and lugged a couple of bags of mortar up from the car and I'm already tired. It's humid and I'm still tired from Monday--yesterday was a tie--I didn't make myself worse but i didn't really rest either. I'd like to get the foundation fo rhte fire pit made as well as lay down some of the cinder blocks. We'll see. i'm going to need to take breaks frequently.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Yesterday was as hard a day as I can remember. I created a concrete pad for the patio wall using 25 80-lb bags of concrete which works out to 1 ton plus water. The last five bags I was having arm cramps--my left arm was so bad my fingers were curling up and I really couldn't get them to straighten out. Drank some extra-thick gatorade (I have the mix because it costs so much less to make your own) and that seemed to help.

i have pictures but they aren't very spectacular. 25 bags isn't much--way less than recommended, but I'm building this on the old gravel and sand bed of the swimming pool so it is well-draining very compacted subgrade so frost heave shouldn't be much of a problem (the patio stone I laid last year went nowhere over the winter).

The old tee-shirt i wore went in the trash immediately afterward. it was funny--I told Lucy iwas going to throw it away and she said something like "Somewhere outside i hope!" It was so hot the sweat had to take a number and wait its turn before pouring out. I think the 24th bag I didn't add water--just stood over it and dripped ! :-P

Anyway, today was a bit easier as all I did was collect rocks to use for the wall and lay out the first course of cinder block interior wall to see just how many I need. Tomorrow I'm going to dig out the fire pit area (I filled it with stone dust to make laying the patio easier and so we could use it for fires) and then mortar in the first course of cinder blocks. I'd like to do all three layers but I'm not sure how long its going to take. I've never mortared in cinder blocks before and, of course, my first wall is a curved one so nothing lines up easily.

I love my Fit (car) but it has been a bit of a problem getting all this dead weight home. I suppose I could push it a bit further but cinder blocks and bags of mortar/concrete are heavy so I just make more trips (two today). This is the first new car I've ever owned (not leased) so want it to stay in good shape. i did rent the Home Depot truck for twenty of the bags of concrete.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel...

Oh, I did plant a Korean spice viburnum (anticipating next spring!) and four pink knockout roses (sale at Home Depot--$3.99 each, couldn't resist buying from the 'enemy') today as well.

Why did the previous owners backfill with stone?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Feeling particularly square-peggish these days...


just figured out how many bags of concrete I should use to create the foundation for the wall I want to build and it comes to 40! I thought I was doing pretty good bringing home 6 and 5 bags the last two nights but I'm going to have to do better than that! I also think I'll reduce the depth of the whole foundation from 6" to 4" and, if it cracks so be it. That'll bring it down to 30 bags (some was already calculated at 4").

Regardless, it's going to be a lot of work--it's just at the edge of being worth renting a mixer, but I think I'll do it by hand. I was hoping to get most of the work done this weekend, but if I get the foundation laid, that'll be a pretty good workload. None of this goes quickly at all...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A slow week. trying to figure out what I need for the stone wall. I've decided to put in a foundation, smaller than recommended, but still a lot of work.