Thursday, August 5, 2010

Feeling particularly square-peggish these days...


just figured out how many bags of concrete I should use to create the foundation for the wall I want to build and it comes to 40! I thought I was doing pretty good bringing home 6 and 5 bags the last two nights but I'm going to have to do better than that! I also think I'll reduce the depth of the whole foundation from 6" to 4" and, if it cracks so be it. That'll bring it down to 30 bags (some was already calculated at 4").

Regardless, it's going to be a lot of work--it's just at the edge of being worth renting a mixer, but I think I'll do it by hand. I was hoping to get most of the work done this weekend, but if I get the foundation laid, that'll be a pretty good workload. None of this goes quickly at all...


  1. And those bags are heavy! Aren't they 50lb a bag, or is it 75?

  2. No dude-- 80! I wish they had the 60-lb bags but those are a rumor as far as I can tell. The car part cleaning operation seems to be going well for you--it's good to have a long-term project I think.
