Thursday, March 8, 2012

The weather channel says it is 63 degrees outside and I can attest to the warmth (though I don't have a working thermometer on-site).

The three Arnold Promise witch hazel I planted in fall, 2010 are starting to come into their own, after one full growing season. The bright flowers (photo taken today 3/8/12) are a real delight for the spring gardener and, much to my surprise, there was a honeybee hovering at one of the shrubs! I'll check in a bit to see if it recruited others.

Arnold Promise witch hazel is also very fragrant (though last year I noticed the fragrance didn't start as soon as the flowers opened but seemed to strengthen over a week or so), and I planted these where the breeeze should waft (gotta' love the word waft) the fragrance into the driveway, so we can smell it when we arrive home from work.

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