Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Well, after showing the successful results of dividing the hosta and the tradescantia, I have to admit I checked on my sea holly after work today and, not only was the very small piece clearly hopeless (so I watered it and left it to see what would happen) but the second piece that I thought might have a chance is looking awful, so not all is success. Actually, even the main section (I only got three sections total and one had almost no roots, which, given the fact that successful division survival is directly proportional to the amount of roots, didn't stand much of a chance from the git-go (sometimes when you try to divide things you're left standing there with a mini-piece saying "oh....")) isn't all that great, but should survive.

So, it ain't all many baby hostas.

The main housekeeping thing I need to point out is that this blog seems to be set on Pacific time and I am set on Eastern daylight time so I am not sending out posts at 3:30 AM. I may or may not be able to reset the clock but haven't figured that out yet.

Tomorrow I hope to talk a bit about what I hope to accomplish with this blog, and maybe some of my semi-rules about how I'm going to approach it (racing into the 21st century). I woud have done so today but (1) I'm still not sure and (2) I had to watch "So you think you can Dance" and can't type while there's a dance on.


  1. when you post a blog, look at the bottom of the square just above the bright orange "publish post" button and click "post options". then on the right side theres a spot to edit you time and date of you post.
    (though judgeing from the fact that your post says PM this time and not AM, im assuming you figured that out. lol)

  2. Got it--thanks! Now back to getting dinner on the table...
