Friday, July 9, 2010

Between the heat and work I sort of lost track of the days, existing mostly just to exist, but today was a little better--we actually had a bit of rain--and someone came in and bought a bunch of stuff right before the end of the day, so that was nice. Anyway, the above shot is of one of our annual benches on a nice day. It is a fun place to work.

I liked the statue but figured it would be expensive but then it turned out the boss just wanted to get rid of it so someone got it for $39, which I would have gladly paid. Oh well, there're other deals hovering around--I just need to remember to ask. I do find that adding human elements--sculptures, benches, planters, etc. is a really strong way to personalize a garden. There are far more human concepts of garden statuary than there are types of shrubs! Also, human elements create a tie between the natural and the human--a visual bridge between house and not-house.

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