Monday, July 19, 2010

Today was a surprise rain storm which completely mixed up my plan to complete the patio stonework--though I started early so was able to get some more stone work done before I got rained out. So here are the Blueberry and the Bubble--the Bubble being named by Lucy's co-worker with whom she car pools and the Blueberry being too obvious for words. It's nice to have good good cars in the driveway.

My tangelfoot arrived and I've "painted" it on blue cups and when I walk around with the cup over my head the deer flies land on it and get stuck. So, it really works, but walking aroudn holding a sticky blue cup over my head isn't as exciting as it sounds! I've seen some photos where people taped the cup to their cap and that seems to work. I'll keep working on it. ideally I can figure out a trap that attracts them without me being the target. The problem is that they focus almost exclusively on motion (when we drive downt he driveway we'll have ten or more flying around the car!) so I need a trap that moves...

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