Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I fianlly managed the finish the stonework for the patio today--not the wall or fire pit or even the walkway, but the patio itself. Which is huge because it was irregular stone and took a lot of cutting (breaking) and fitting, so was a long job (started sometime last summer, after weeks of sifting stone out of the base layer of sand and small gravel. This photo was taken from the second story bedroom.
The patio measures about 20 feet from left to right by 16 feet top to bottom. The rectangle in the upper left will be an herb garden as will the obscured rectangle by the two white chairs. The cut-out to the upper right will be the fire pit. It is hard to see but there are natural rocks to the upper left and in the shadows to the right which will serve as anchors to the low wall which will curve around the back (upper edge) of the patio and serve as a setting wall/fire pit. That's the next thing to get done.

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