Friday, July 2, 2010

Got home late so only had time to water the beans, cucumbers and beets. I did get to see the kansas kitten daylily but not to photograph it. Everything needs watering--we've been more than a week without, but I was simply too tired. Tomorrow before work I'll try to get to some of the things. I've realized I can carry a watering can out when I get the paper in the morning to help with the wildflower bed and the new summer snowflake viburnums.

Yesterday I rearranged all the hostas at work so they made sense and spent some time this morning trying to recognize every type we sell (20!). I'd like to be better at knowing which variety is which, which can be hard as many of them look almost alike. But, if you start looking hard enough, the differences start to emerge. Like today I had an unmarked plant (one of the bains of my life) and was trying to figure out if it was a "Wide Brim" or a "Patriot" hosta--both have green leaves, but the Wide Brim is edged in creamy yellows and the Patriot is edged in creamy white. However, the white on the patriot continues down the leaf stem whereas the leaf stem of the Wide Brim is completely green. The unknown hosta 9with both creamy-white and creamy yellow edges on different leaves had the white edges extending down the leaf stem, so is a Patriot hosta. A simple win, but something I didn't know before.

I was also thinking today that a garden center has hundreds of different types of plants, all either in burlap or plastic pots, none of which are native to burlap or plastic pots. No wonder it's such a struggle to keep them looking good. There are some, like Lewesia, which I wish we didn't even bring in. It's too finicky, and rots out even on the dry table. If someone wants it we could almost always order it for them, but so far we've brough in six, killed four and have two still on the table. Why bother?

Now I need to get ready for sleep.

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