Thursday, July 15, 2010


We've had well over an inch of rain in the past two days so everything is back to being well-watered, but the next few days look to be very hot so our sandy soil will dry out quickly. I did get some more work done on the patio, and remembered there is an exposed bolder at the house end of the low wall (it was covered by stone dust) so the wall will arise out of natural stone at both ends.

The Asiatic lilies have had their days and are now fading. Next year I'm going to see if I can't plant them in different places and maybe get them to bloom at different times, so we can have a longer display. The problem is they need to be in Fort Knox (our old dog kennel used to protect plants from deer) or they need to be sprayed or the deer will level them.

I tried some Soil Moist in pots in which I planted some of the tiniest divisions of the Grandprize Hosta and it weirds me out a little because it sweels so much it almost forces the dirt and plant out of the pot. Supposed to keep water in the pot and help promote even root growth so we'll see. I wonder what happens to it over time...

Off to work.

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